How do I claim property found, lost or recovered?
The Property & Evidence Division public hours are Monday through Friday from 7:00am to 5:00pm. Please note- the Property room is closed 11am to 1pm the first Friday of each month. You may call property room personnel at Phone: 972-237-8861 Fax: 972-237-8714 To claim property, identification, as well as the case number if known is required. Found property that has an identified owner will be held for 90 days and a certified letter or postcard notifying such as the owner will be mailed. Found property that has no known owner will be held 30 days. After the 30 or 90 days have expired, the property will then be disposed of according to Texas Code of Criminal Procedure 18.17. Found abandoned bicycles are kept for 30 days, and then sent for auction.
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